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29 May 2009

Hi Everyone,
Its crazy crunch time right now, with school ending and exams about to start. I haven't been able to post as much as I would like to. Once exams are over I will be able to post a lot more (2 weeks!)

Anyways until then I will leave you with the shoe I am currently lusting after:

From Aldo.
As soon as it goes on sale it will be mine.

16 May 2009


Hi Everyone,
It's finally the long weekend! Mine is pretty packed, but its a nice mix of work and play, so it's not too bad. Hopefully I'll catch some fireworks!
I have found some more Canadian Designers, that I really want to post on. A few of them have some beautiful designs and also environmentally friendly. Just like the one I am going to share with you today. Thieves by Sonja den Elzen, is a fashion label based in Toronto. All the fabrics used come from sustainable materials. Here are my favourite looks:

I love the fabric of this skirt as well as the hem line.

I love this dress! The back is so different and really adds to the dress.

I love how the shorts are kind of shinny, and they have a great shape

I think this is my favourite look. I have a thing for vests.

All Photos from Thieves. Check it out.

I hope that everyone has a good weekend.

3 May 2009

Hi Everyone,

I joined the track team at school once again. I really don't love running as some people do, but I hear that you can come to love it. The days that I don't run I do feel more sluggish and feel the need to go run. So maybe I am starting to enjoy it. I have seen the changes in my body already, it is starting to become stronger. I hate the feeling of sore muscles after a workout but I love knowing that I worked hard and pushed myself.
I have been trying to make more of a dent in my movies to watch list. It has gotten so long, I don't think that it will ever end. I love watching movies, the good the bad and the in between. I went to see 17 Again, the other day. It was pretty good. I found it very funny and would go see it again. I also watched Footloose, which I loved, and could watch over and over again and never get sick of it. I love old movies.

Exams time is starting to creep up again. They are in about 5 weeks and school is getting super busy. Can I just ask where did all the time go? I can't believe we are already in MAY! It feels like New Years was just yesterday. I have started to get my notes together for exams, because my exam schedule is insane. I know that there will be lots of chocolate ice cream to help me make it through.

We have some yummy apple strudel at home, which I didn't make, but would like to try making one day. It was great with ice cream.

Some of you may remember my semi dress. Well I decided to try wearing it another way, with tights and a belt. I really like how it turned out as well.

Anyways, I hope that everyone has an amazing week.