Hi Everyone,
On Monday October 5, 2009 I got the amazing opportunity to attend Free the Children's third annual Toronto's We Day. It is a day for youth to come together and hear inspirational speakers. It was AMAZING and I am so glad that I got the chance to attend. I have talked about Me to We before. A couple of reps came to my school and gave an extremely inspiring talk and led us through some eye opening exercises. You can read about that experience here.
There were so many amazing highlights from the event that I do not even know where to start. There were so many inspiring and inspirational people, plus a lot of great performances. I can only try to describe how truly amazing the experience was. Hearing from all of these people that WE can change the world, and I truly believe that WE can.
Craig and Marc Kielburger.
Craig started Free the Children when he was 12 years old after reading in the newspaper about a 12 year old boy who was murdered for bring attention to the conditions that child labours were working in, in the carpet-making industry. This story affected Craig so much that he wanted to do something to make a difference. Today Free the Children is a charity that is recognized around the world.
Elie Wiesel
Elie Wiesel is a survivor of the Holocaust and a Nobel Peace Prize winner. He wrote the book Night (which I have yet to read but it is at the top of my list). Night is based on his experience in the Holocaust. My favourite quote from his speech is:
"Human Beings are not replaceable."
Robin left her home in Chicago to go and live in Kenya with an adoptive family. Hearing about her family in Kenya and the customs that they have, and her decision to leave Chicago was amazing. The courage that she had to leave and go some place totally new and different is very inspriational.
Jessi is the host of the After Show on MTV. She went to Kenya to stay with Robin and her family. She told us about her experience in Kenya and about when she asked the 13 year old girl that she was staying with, if she could change anything in her life what would it be. The 13 year old responded "nothing". She would change nothing about her life.
Pinball was an excellent speaker. He got the crowed interested in what he had to say and delivered a poem. It was so much fun listening to him speak. He was probably one of the best speakers of the night.
Spencer West
Spence West does not have any legs. Yet he does not let that stop him. When doctors told him that he would not be able to walk on his own he proved them wrong. He has traveled to Kenya and is currently planning a trip to India.
Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way.
Dr. Seuss
Nico Archambault
Nico is Canada's First Favourite Dancer. He was there to announce that We Day will also be held in Montreal next year.
Spence West does not have any legs. Yet he does not let that stop him. When doctors told him that he would not be able to walk on his own he proved them wrong. He has traveled to Kenya and is currently planning a trip to India.
Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way.
Dr. Seuss
Nico is Canada's First Favourite Dancer. He was there to announce that We Day will also be held in Montreal next year.
The surprise guests of the evening were the Jonas Brothers. I must admit I was pretty excited, I kinda like the Jonas Brothers. Joe is my favourite. That is all I am going to say on that topic. Moving on.
Me to We's newest Campaign is 10x10 for 2010. The plan is to have everyone donate 10 dollars and 10 hours of community service. They also want to help support 10 communities.
Hedley finished the day with a mini concert.
Opportunity is not a chance its a choice.
Overall the We Day was an amazing experience. I hope that I get the chance to attend next years. They will be showing a special on We Day on CTV on Saturday October 10, at 7 ( I think). Or watch it here. *** They will be airing We Day again on CTV on Saturday October 17 at 12
For more information check out 10x1o here.
For more information check out Me to We here.
For more information Check out Free the Children here.
For more information about We Day. Click here.
It takes one person to make a difference.