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21 April 2008

Gossip Girl

EDIT: I didn't end up watching Gossip Girl. I was so upset it was only airing on the CW network which I don't have. I got all excited for nothing. I am going to try and find it on line, but it's not the same. I guess I just have to wait until CTV airs it again. I hope its soon!
Heyy everyone!
Gossip Girls is back tonight! Im so happy/excited.

I will have a post with more content soon!
Have a good monday!


  1. i jsut finished watching it like an hour ago-- it was so good!

  2. oh thats a bummer - im sure u can find it online!

  3. hey hun! dont miss anything with
    wow sound like the hugest ad ever.. but yeah, me and Jae at SOS were so sad that it wasn't on CTV but thank God for side reel and people posting it everywhere. but hopefully you found the links already and are fully updated with the juicy DRAMA that is gossip girl...

  4. I'm waiting for Gossip Girl to come back to Portugal for AGES!

  5. She's so good in that role..I can't stand her, either. I had no idea she could do it.


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